Anzahl der Beiträge : 12 Anmeldedatum : 25.11.11 Alter : 32 Brawl Main : Lucas
Thema: The Haunted Cartridge So Dez 04, 2011 10:32 am
Mich wunderts ja, dass es diesen Thread noch nicht gibt. Vielleicht ist es auch schon wieder zu alt, ich hab jedenfalls erst vor gut 2 Monaten davon gehört.
Die meisten werden schon am Threadtitel erkannt haben, um was es geht. Und zwar um die Geschichte von BEN, bzw von Jadusable. Der Text ist englisch, deswegen werde ich den Anfang zusammenfassen und den Rest kopieren. Den Link zum Text und den Videos findet ihr ganz unten.
You shouldn't have done that.
Zuvor ein Video, dass schon ein Jahr vor den Ereignissen auf Jadusables YT-Kanal hochgladen wurde: Eine Warnung?
Eine Junge namens Matt aka Jadusable kommt in ein College-Wohnheim, in welchem ihm ein N64 und SSB geschenkt wird. Da das allein auch iwann langweilig wird, entschließt er sich dazu im Ort ein bisschen rumzuschauen und zu hoffen, er würde bei irgendwelchen Garagen-Verkäufen neue Spiele für den N64 ergattern können. Womit er auch mäßigen Erfolg hat. Auf dem Weg zurück fällt ihm aber ein weiteres Haus auf, das seine Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Dort hat ein alter Mann seltsame Dinge ausgestellt. Bald fällt ihm ein Bild auf, dass ihn an die Majoras Maske erinnert. Plötzlich steht der Mann vor ihm und hält ihm eine N64-Cartidge hin. Wie man sie so kennt, grau, aber ohne Label und mit dem Schiftzug "Majora" von schwarzem Edding. Der alte Mann sagt zu Matt, er schenkt es ihm und meint es habe einem Jungen gehört, der hier nicht mehr lebt. Zurück im Wohnheim startet er das Spiel und findet einen Spielstand namens "BEN" vor. Aus Respekt vor dem ehemaligen Besitzer lässt er diesen Spielstand bestehen, da ihm sowieso ein Speilstand zum durchspielen reicht. Nach alter Tradition erstellt er ein neues Spiel als "Link" und startet das Spiel. Und obwohl das Spiel äußerlich so alt und verbraucht aussieht, läuft es recht flüssig und alles ist so wie es soll. Ein paar Texturglitches hin und wieder, aber nichts was wirklich stört. Bis auf eine weitere Sache. Jedesmal, wenn die NPCs den Spieler beim Filenamen nennen würden, in diesem Fall "Link", nennen sie ihn stattdessen "BEN". Aus Frust löscht Jadusable nach dem 1. Tempel den Spielstand "BEN", in der Hoffnung der Fehler würde verschwinden. Das hat auch geklappt, halbwegs. In den Textboxen, wurde nun der Name gar nicht mehr angezeigt, stattdessen ist dort einfach ein Feld frei. Später versucht er, um den 2. Tempel noch zu beenden, den 4. Tag Glitch. Dabei spricht man am letzten Tag um genau 00:00:00 den Mann beim Teleskop an, um durch jenes durchzuschauen. Wenn man es richtig macht, verschwindet die Uhr am unteren Bildschirmrand und man hat unendlich viel Zeit das zu tun, was auch immer man möchte. Er schafft das auf anhieb. Als er sich wieder vom Teleskop abwenden will, befindet er sich nicht im Observatorium, sondern in der Kammer des finalen Bosses.
Und hier fängt der Horror an. Verzeiht bitte meine mäßigen Übersetzungs- und Zusammenfassungskünste. Dafür wurde ich nicht gemacht x'D
You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?:
However, when I pressed B to exit the telescope, instead of being greeted by the astronomer I found myself in the Majora boss fight room at the end of the game (the trippy boxed in arena) staring at Skull Kid hovering above me. There was no sound, just him floating in the air above me, and the background music which was regular for the area (but still creepy). Immediately my palms began to sweat - this was definitely not normal. Skull Kid NEVER appeared here. I tried moving around the area, and no matter where I went, Skull Kid would always be facing me, looking at me, not saying anything. Nothing would happen though, and this kept up for around sixty seconds. I thought the game had bugged or something - but I was beginning to doubt that very much.
I was about to reach for the reset button when text appeared on my screen: "You're not sure why, but you apparently had a reservation..." I instantly recognized that text - you get that message when you get the Room Key from Anju at the Stock Pot Inn, but why was it playing here? I refused to entertain the notion that it was almost as if the game was trying to communicate with me. I started navigate the room again, testing to see if that was some sort of trigger that enabled me to interact with something here, then I realized how stupid I was - to even think that someone could reprogram the game like this was absurd. Sure enough, fifteen seconds later another message appeared on the screen, and again like the first one it was already a pre-existing phrase "Go to the lair of the temple's boss? Yes/No". I paused for a second, contemplating what I should press and how the game would react, when I realized that I couldn't select no. Taking a deep breath, I pressed Yes and the screen faded to white, with the words "Dawn of a New Day" with the subtext "||||||||" beneath it. Where I was ported to filled me with the most intense sense of dread and impending fear I had ever experienced
The only way I can describe the way I felt here is having this feeling of inexplicable depression on a profound scale. I am normally not a depressed person, but the way I felt here was a feeling that I didn't even knew existed - it was such a twisted, powerful presence that seemed to wash over me.
I appeared in some kind of weird twilight-zone version of Clock Town. I walked out of the Clock Tower (as you normally do when you start from Day 1) only to find that all of the inhabitants were gone. Usually with the 4th Day glitch you can still find the guards and the dog that runs around outside the tower - this time they were all gone. What replaced them was the ominous feeling that there was something out there, in the same area as me and that it was watching me. I had four hearts to my name and the Hero's Bow, but at this point I wasn't even considered for my avatar, I felt that I personally was in some kind of danger. Perhaps the most chilling thing was the music - it was the Song of Healing, ripped straight from the game itself, but played in reverse. The music would get louder, building up so as if you should expect something to pop out at you, but nothing ever did, and the constant loop began to wear on my mental state.
Every now and then I would hear the faint laugh of the Happy Mask Salesman in the background, just quiet enough so that I wasn't sure if I just hearing things but just loud enough to keep me determined to find him. I looked in all four zones of Clock Town, only to find nothing.... No one. Textures were missing, West Clock Town had me walking on air, the entire area felt... broken. Hopelessly broken. As the reverse Song of Healing repeated for what must have been the 50th time, I just remember standing in the middle of South Clock Town realizing that I had never felt so alone in a videogame before.
As I walked through the ghost town, I don't know whether it was the combination of the out of place textures and the atmosphere and the haunting melody of the once peaceful and soothing song being butchered and distorted, but I was literally on the verge of tears and I had no idea why. I hardly ever cry, something had gripped me here and this powerful sense of depression that was both foreign and crippling.
I tried leaving Clock Town, but every time I attempted to zone out, the screen would fade to black and I would just zone in to another part of Clock Town. I tried playing my Ocarina, I wanted to escape, and I did NOT want to be here, but every time I played the Song of Time or Song of Soaring it would only say "Your notes echo far, but nothing happens". By this point, it was obvious the game didn't want me to leave, but I had no idea why it was keeping me here. I didn't want to go inside the buildings, I felt that I would be too vulnerable there to whatever I was terrified of. I don't know why, but I came up with the idea that maybe if I drowned myself at the Laundry Pool I could spawn somewhere else and leave this place.
As I zoned in and ran towards the pool, that's when it happened. Link grabbed his head, and the screen flashed for a brief moment of the Happy Mask Salesman smiling at me - not Link - me with Skull Kid's scream playing in the background and when the screen returned I was staring at the Link Statue from playing the song Elegy of Emptiness. I screamed as the thing just stared back at me with that haunting facial expression. I turned around and ran out and back into South Clock Town, and to my horror the fucking statue followed me in the only way I can compare this is like the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. Every so often, at random intervals, the animation would play of the statue appearing behind me. It was like the thing was chasing me, or - I don't even want to fucking say it - haunting me.
By this point, I was on the verge of hysterics, but not even once did the thought of turning off the console occur to me, I don't know why, I was so wrapped up in it - the terror felt all so real. I tried to shake the statue, but it would literally appear right behind me every single time. Link started to begin to make weird animations I had never even seen him do before, he would flail his arms around or spasm randomly and the screen would cut to the Happy Mask Salesman smiling again for a brief moment before I was face to face with that fucking statue again. I ended up running into the Swordmasters Dojo and ran to the back, I don't know why, but in my panic I just wanted some kind of assurance that I'm not alone here. To my dismay I found no one, but as I turned to leave the statue cornered me in the cubby in the back. I tried attacking the statue with my sword but to no avail. Confused, and backed into a corner, I just stared at the statue waiting for it to kill me. Suddenly, the screen flashed again to the Happy Mask Salesman and Link turned to face my screen, standing upright mirroring the statue, looking at me along with his copy. Literally staring at me. Whatever was left of the 4th wall was completely shattered while I ran out of the dojo terrified. Suddenly the game warped me to an underground tunnel and the reverse Song of Healing queued up again as I was given a brief moment of rest before the statue started appearing behind me again... this time aggressively - I could only take a few steps before it would summon behind me again. I hurrily made my way out of the tunnel and appeared in Southern Clock Town. As I ran aimlessly - in a sheer panic - suddenly a redead screamed and the screen faded to black as "Dawn of a New Day" and "|||||||||" appeared again.
The screen faded in and I was standing ontop of Clock Tower with Skull Kid hovering over me again, silent. I looked up and the moon was back, looming just meters above my head, but the Skull Kid just stared at me hauntingly with that fucking mask. A new song was playing - the Stone Tower Temple theme played in reverse. In some sort of desperate attempt, I equipped my bow and fired off a shot at the Skull Kid - and it actually hit him and he played an animation of him reeling back. I fired again and on the third arrow, a text box appeared saying "That won't do you any good. Hee, hee." and I was picked up off the ground, levitated upwards on my back, and then Link screamed as he burst into flames, instantly killing him.
I jumped when this happened - I had never seen this move used by ANYONE in the game and Skull Kid himself didn't HAVE any moves. As the death screen played, my lifeless body still burning, the Skull Kid laughed and the screen faded to black, only to have me reappear in the same place. I decided to charge him, but the same thing happened, Link's body was lifted off the ground by some unknown force and he immediately burst into flames again killing him. This time during the death screen the faint sounds of the reverse Song of Healing could be heard. On my third (and final try), I noticed that there was no music playing this time, that all there was was eerie silence. I remembered that in the original encounter with the Skull Kid you were supposed to use the Ocarina to either travel back in time or summon the giants. I attempted to play the Song of Time but before I could hit the last note Links body once again horrifically exploded into flames and he died.
As the death screen neared its end, it began to chug, as if the cartridge was trying to process a lot of something.... when the screen came to, it was the same scene as the first three times, except this time Link was lying on the ground dead in a position I had never seen in the game before, his head tilted towards the camera, with the Skull Kid floating above him. I couldn't move, I couldn't press any buttons, all I could do is just stare at Link's dead body. After around thirty seconds of this, the game simply fades out with the message "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" before kicking you out to the title screen.
Upon getting back to the title screen and starting again, I noticed my save file was no longer there. Instead of "Link", it was replaced with "YOUR TURN". "YOUR TURN" had 3 hearts, 0 masks, and no items. I selected "YOUR TURN" and immediately when I did I was returned to the Clock Tower Rooftop scene of my Link dead and the Skull Kid hovering over, with the Skull Kid's laughing looping again and again. I quickly hit the reset button and when the game booted up again there was one more save file added, below "YOUR TURN", entitled "BEN". "BEN"'s save file is right back where it was before I deleted it, at the Stone Tower Temple with the moon almost crashing.
I turned the game off at that point, I'm not supersticious but this is WAY too fucked up even for me. I haven't played it at all today, hell, I didn't even get any sleep last night, I kept hearing the reverse Song of Healing music in my head and just remembering the sense of dread I felt exploring Clock Town. I drove back to the old man's house today to ask him some questions with a buddy of mine (no way I was going there alone), only to find that there's a For Sale sign in the front yard and when I rang the door no one was home.
So now I'm back here writing down the rest of my thoughts and recording what happened, sorry if some of this has grammatical errors and whatnot, I'm running on no sleep here. I'm terrified of this game, even moreso now that I relived it a second time writing this all down, but I feel like there's still more to it than meets the eye, and that there's something calling to me to investigate this further. I think "BEN" is something in this equation, but I don't know what, and if I could get ahold of the old man then I would be able to find some answers. I need another day or so to recuperate before tackling this game again, its already taken a toll on my sanity I feel like, but next time I do this I'm going to be recording my footage all the way through. The idea to record only came to me towards the end, so you see the last few minutes of what I saw (including Skull Kid and the Elegy statue), but it's on youtube here.
I'm going to post what happened and link the video footage, but last night everything got too real for me. I think I'm done messing around with this. I passed out pretty much immediately after making that thread. But last night, that Elegy of Emptiness statue, I had a dream about it. I dreamt that it was following me in my dream, that I would be minding my own business when I'd feel my neck hairs stand up on end. I would turn around that thing... that horrible, lifeless statue would be staring with those empty eyes right at me, merely inches away. In my dream I remember calling it Ben, and never before had I had a dream that I could remember so vividly. But the important thing is I did get some sleep, I suppose.
Today, putting off playing the game as long as I could, I drove back up to that neighborhood to see if the old man came back. As I expected, the car was still gone and no one was home. As I was walking back to my car, the man next door mowing the grass killed the power to his lawnmower and asked me if I was looking for someone. I told him that I was looking to talk to the old man that lived here, to which he told me what I already knew - he was moving. Trying a different avenue, I asked if the old man had any family or relatives I could talk to. I discovered that this old man had never been married, nor did he have any children or grandchildren through adoption. Starting to become worried, I asked one final question, one that I should have asked from the beginning - who was Ben? The man's expression turned grim and I learned that four doors down around eight years ago on April 23rd - the man informed me that it was the same day as his anniversary, that's how he knew the specific date - there was an accident with a young boy named Ben in the neighborhood. Shortly after his parents moved, and despite any further attempts to talk to the man to get more information, he wouldn't divulge anything else.
I went back and started playing again, I loaded up the game and immediately I jumped at the title screen where the mask flies by - the sound that played was not the normal "woosh" sound, it was something much more higher pitched. I pressed start, bracing for the worst, but just like two nights ago, the files "Your Turn" and "BEN" were displayed (truth be told I looked at the BEN file earlier, it seems to fluctuate between displaying the Owl Save and not). I brought up the BEN file, hesitated for a moment noticing that the stats were not the same as they original were two days ago, it seemed like he had already completed the Stone Tower Temple this time... Summoning my courage I selected it.
Immediately I was thrust into complete chaos. Sure enough, I was outside Stone Tower Temple, but that's about all that was expected. The zone itself wasn't called Stone Tower Temple, but rather "St o n e", and immediately a dialogue box of complete gibberish that I couldn't make out greeted me. Link's body was distorted - his back was cocked violently to the side where his posture was permanently disfigured. Link's expression was dull, almost monotonous, he had an expression on his face that I didn't recognize before, it was a blank look - as if he was dead. As Link stood there his body spasmed irregularly back and forth I examined what had become of my avatar and noticed I had a C button item I had never seen before, some kind of note, but pressing it did nothing. Sounds played back and forth that I didn't recognize from the game - almost demonic in nature, and there was some kind of high-pitched yip or some kind of laugh or something playing in the background. I had all of two minutes to take in the environment before another one of those fucking Elegy of Emptiness statues was summoned and immediately after I was cut into the "Dawn of a New Day" screen, except this time it was without the "||||||" subtext.
I was a Deku Scrub in Clock Town - this scene would normally play after the first time you traveled back in time. Tatl would say "Wh-What just happened? It's as if everything has..." but instead of saying "Started over", she finished her remark in broken text as the laugh of the Happy Mask Salesman played in the background. I was put back in control of my character, but from a fucked up camera angle - I was looking from behind the door to the Clock Tower, watching my avatar run around as a Deku Scrub. Seeing as how I really had no place to go because I couldn't see anything, I begrudgingly went inside the door. There, I was greeted by the Happy Mask Salesman who simply told me "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" before the screen whited out.
I was in Termina field as a human again. I might as well not have been playing the same game anymore - I was being warped around and there was no sign of a day clock or anything. I took a moment to get my bearings as I looked around the field and immediately I could tell that this was not normal. There were no enemies and a twisted version of the Happy Mask Salesman's theme was playing. I decided to run towards Woodfall before I noticed a gathering of three figures off to the side - one of them being Epona. As I approached them, to my horror I saw the Happy Mask Salesman, the Skull Kid, and the Elegy of Emptiness statue just standing there. I figured maybe they were bugged out, but by now I told myself that I should know better. Nevertheless, I approached them carefully and found that the Skull Kid was playing some kind of idle animation on loop, same with Epona, and the Elegy of Emptiness statue was doing what it has been doing all along - just standing there eerily. It was the Happy Mask Salesman that scared me more profoundly than the other two.
He too was idle, wearing that shit-eating grin, but where-ever I moved, his head slowly turned and followed me. I had not engaged in any dialogue with him nor was I in combat with him, yet his head still continued to follow my movements. Reminded of my first encounter with the Skull Kid on top of Clock Tower, I pulled out my Ocarina (to which the game played the ding sound when you're supposed to play your Ocarina) and tried a song I hadn't played yet - the Happy Mask Salesmans' own song and the song that had been playing on loop back in Day 4 - the Song of Healing.
I finished playing the song and as I did, a ear-piercing shriek blasted on my TV, the sky immediately started flashing, the Happy Mask Salesmans' twisted theme song sped up, intensifying the fear inside me, and Link exploded into flames and died. The three figures stayed lit up during my death screen as they watched my lifeless body burn. I can't describe to you how sudden and terrifying the transition from eerie to terror it is, you're going to have to watch the video if you want to see first-hand. That same fear that caused me to lose sleep two days ago started to grip me again as I was met with the text "You've met with a horrible fate, haven't you?" for the third time. There has to be some kind of meaning behind that.
I had little time to ponder as I was immediately given another small cutscene of transforming into a Zora and now I found myself in Great Temple Bay. Hesitant but curious to see what the game had in store for me, I slowly made my way towards the beach, where I found Epona. I wondered why the game had decided to put her here, was the game implying she was trying to get a drink? Unable to take the mask off, I decided that riding the steed wasn't the reason she was placed there. Suddenly I realized that Epona kept neighing and the way she was angled made it look like she was trying to signal a point to me off in the distance. It was a hunch, but I dove into Great Bay and started swimming. Sure enough - I almost missed it - I found something at the bottom of the ocean; one last Elegy of Emptiness statue. I went down to examine it and suddenly my Zora started doing a choking animation I had never seen a Zora do before - which didn't even make sense because Zora's can breath underwater. Regardless, my character choked to death and died, and again the statue was the only thing that was highlighted in my death. I didn't respawn this time, I was booted back to the main menu as if I restarted the console.
The "press start" screen was before me, I knew the only reason why it would put me here is because the save files had changed again. Taking a deep breath, I pressed start, and I was right. The new save files told me about Ben. Now it made sense why the statue appeared when I tried to go to the Laundry Pool - the game must have anticipated how I would have tried to escape the Day 4 Clock Town. The two save files told me his fate. As I suspected, Ben was dead. He had drowned. The game obviously isn't through with me - it taunts me with the new save files - it wants me to keep playing, it wants me to go further, but I'm done with this shit. I'm not touching any more of the files. This is already way too horrifying for me and I don't even believe in the paranormal, but I'm running out of explanations. Why would someone send me this message? I don't understand it, I just get too depressed thinking about this, the footage is up here for those who want to see it and try and analyze it (maybe there's some kind of coded message in the gibberish or something symbolic in what I went through - I'm too emotionally and mentally drained to fuck with it anymore).
I know its early in the morning, I've stayed up all night, I can't sleep, I don't care if people see this, that's not the point, I just want the word to get spread so I don't suffer for nothing. I've lost the will to type about this, the less I dwell on this the better, I think the video just speaks for itself. I did what you guys told me to do, I played the Elegy of Emptiness song at the first prompt by the game I was given, but I think that's what the game or Ben (jesus christ I can't believe I'm even humoring the absurd idea that he exists in the game) wanted me to do. He's following me now, not just in the game, he's in my dreams. I see him all the time, behind my back, just watching me. I haven't gone to any of my classes, I've stayed in my dorm room with the windows closed and the blinds shut - that way I know he can't watch me. But he still gets me when I play, when I play he can still see me. The game is scaring me now. It talked to me for the first time - not just using text that's already in the game - it spoke to me. Talked to me. It referenced Ben. It talked to me. I don't know what it means. I don't know what it wants. I never wanted this, I just want my old life back.
Stuff like this doesn't happen to people like me, I'm just a kid, not even old enough to drink yet. It's not fair, I want to go home, I want to see my parents again, I'm so far away from home here at this school, I just want to hug my mom again. I just want to forget that statue's horrible blank face. My original game file is back - just the way I left it before it was gone. I don't want to play anymore. I feel like something bad will happen if I don't, but that's impossible, it's a video game - haunted or not it can't hurt me, right? Like seriously though, it can't, right? That's what I keep telling myself, but every time I think about it I'm not so sure.
Hier schreibt der Zimmernachbar von Jadusable weiter:
Let me just clear things up. I know you guys are worried, but "Jadusable" is okay. He finished moving out today and said he's going back home to take the semester off.
I'm not really sure what's happened. I have a vague ideea, but you guys probably know more than I do. I'm "Jadusable's" roommate and, obviously, I've known something was wrong with him for a few days now.
He stayed in his room all the time, fell out of contact with literally all of his friends, and I'm pretty sure he hasn't been eating hardly anything. After the second day, I couldn't stay there anymore, so I've been crashing at a buddy's place and only coming to get stuff I need.
I tried talking to him several times, but he would cut me off or keep the conversation brief. When I asked him about his strange behavior, it was like he was convinced something was hunting him.
Yesterday I came to grab my philosophy book and he approached me, looking awful (like horrible bags under his eyes). He handed me a flash drive and gave me specific instructions. He told me he needs me to do one last favor for him.
He finally explained to me what has been going on. He gave me the account info to his Youtube account and instructions on how to post with his name code on /x/ specifally. He said you guys had been helping him along the way and you deserved to see the end of it.
He told me he's getting away from here, that the game lured him to play again instead of trying to change things and he shouldn't have done that. He's told me to upload the footage and inform people what happened.
I told him he could do it himself and he got this wild look in his eye, saying he is never looking at that game again. That's the last thing he said to me. He never even said bye when his parents came to pick him up. I was hoping I'd at least get a chance to meet his parents, but they were in and out so quick I never saw them.
I honestly can't tell you what happened. When he spoke, it was kind of hard to understand him. His fucked up appearance distracted me, too.
On the flash drive was footage of the game last night, a text document with his name and password for Youtube, and a third document called TheTruth.txt that contained what he told me were his "last notes" that he'd taken about this.
He told me it meant everything to him that I follow his instructions exactly. Normally, I wouldn't be so 'to the letter' for a request over a fucking video game, but the way he spoke and looked made me know this was really serious.
I've had this video since yesterday, but had to have someone help me use Pinnacle (that's not really my forte). After watching it, I had to go back through and look at the other videos on his Youtube account to figure out what was going on. Even then I'm really confused.
The video is being released tonight, but TheTruth.txt will be released on September 15th just like he requested. I don't know why he wants to wait for his notes to be published, but after what he's been through I'll honor the request.
I haven't dared peek at it yet, so the first time I see it will be the first time you see it out of respect to my friend. To answer your, I haven't tried calling him yet. I think I'll give him a call tomorrow to see if he's okay or not. He should have gotten back home by now.
About the video: I cut straight to when he loaded the "BEN" file in the game. Looking back, I realized that "Jadusable" left the save select screen in because it occasionally said different names. My bad for that, but all it said this time was the same at the end of his last video (Link and BEN).
I wasn't there when he played it, but it looks to me like in the beginning, he's testing out his equipment or seeing what items he has or something. Apparently, they've changed randomly before. The video starts then. He really wanted you guys to see this. After that, I think the game got too personal for him.
Die komplette Geschichte findet ihr hier: Und die dazugehörigen Videos: day four BEN DROWNED jadusable free
Und für alle, die BEN auch live erleben wollen: ben.exe
Anzahl der Beiträge : 16 Anmeldedatum : 24.11.11 Alter : 28 Ort : Hamburg Brawl Main : Pit, Marth, Kirby
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Mo Dez 05, 2011 10:09 am
Oh man ist die Geschichte lang D: Aber immerhin hab ich jetzt das Richtige. ich hab da auch schon nach gegoogelt aber nicht wirklich was gefunden.. Danke :O
Anzahl der Beiträge : 92 Anmeldedatum : 03.12.11 Alter : 27 Ort : Fröndenberg Brawl Main : Sonic <33
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Mo Dez 05, 2011 10:14 am
Wie gemein bei so nem lesefaulen wie mir x_x Egal ich les es jetz trotzdem ._.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 10 Anmeldedatum : 28.11.11 Alter : 33 Brawl Main : Kirby
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Mo Dez 05, 2011 10:21 am
hey danke, hab mich schon die ganze zeit gefragt was das mit diesem "You shouldn't have done that" soll ^^
ist die Geschichte eigentlich wahr oder einfach nur ein scherz? war auf jeden fall interessant... und gruselig o.O
Anzahl der Beiträge : 12 Anmeldedatum : 25.11.11 Alter : 32 Brawl Main : Lucas
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Mo Dez 05, 2011 11:18 am
RetoXan schrieb:
hey danke, hab mich schon die ganze zeit gefragt was das mit diesem "You shouldn't have done that" soll ^^
ist die Geschichte eigentlich wahr oder einfach nur ein scherz? war auf jeden fall interessant... und gruselig o.O
Was? Nicht dein Ernst oder? Da schreibt jemand seinen Leidensweg nieder, berichtet von der geisterhaften Begegnung mit einem Toten, der anscheinend Spaß an Psychoterror hat und du fragst, ob das ein Scherz ist?! Nur Spaß. Ja das ist eine Geschichte die sich jemand ausgedacht hat und die Szenen dann mit Hacks nachgespielt hat (; Ziemlich gut gemacht, find ich =D
Anzahl der Beiträge : 10 Anmeldedatum : 28.11.11 Alter : 33 Brawl Main : Kirby
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Mo Dez 05, 2011 11:27 am
Reyn schrieb:
RetoXan schrieb:
hey danke, hab mich schon die ganze zeit gefragt was das mit diesem "You shouldn't have done that" soll ^^
ist die Geschichte eigentlich wahr oder einfach nur ein scherz? war auf jeden fall interessant... und gruselig o.O
Was? Nicht dein Ernst oder? Da schreibt jemand seinen Leidensweg nieder, berichtet von der geisterhaften Begegnung mit einem Toten, der anscheinend Spaß an Psychoterror hat und du fragst, ob das ein Scherz ist?! Nur Spaß. Ja das ist eine Geschichte die sich jemand ausgedacht hat und die Szenen dann mit Hacks nachgespielt hat (; Ziemlich gut gemacht, find ich =D
auf jeden fall war gut beschrieben, wie ein gutes buch find ich ^^ und die videos waren echt creepy, hab mich auch öfter mal erschreckt oder gänsehaut bekommen ^^ voll genial
Anzahl der Beiträge : 672 Anmeldedatum : 19.11.11 Alter : 27 Ort : Berlin Brawl Main : Zero Suite Samus
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Mo Dez 12, 2011 10:02 am
Ohh ja, die Creepy-Pasta Geschichte. Genau so nervig wie genial. Das ist genau so wie bei dem Lavandia Mysterium aus Pokemon.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 201 Anmeldedatum : 24.11.11 Alter : 25 Ort : Präludien Brawl Main : Ness
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Fr Feb 10, 2012 3:57 am
richtig creepy.... ich will garnicht die videos anschauen weil ich zu viel angst hab O.o
brrr.... ich weiß nicht was ich dazu sagen soll...
Anzahl der Beiträge : 28 Anmeldedatum : 13.01.12 Brawl Main : It's a secret to everybody!
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Fr Feb 10, 2012 5:16 am
Reyn schrieb:
RetoXan schrieb:
hey danke, hab mich schon die ganze zeit gefragt was das mit diesem "You shouldn't have done that" soll ^^
ist die Geschichte eigentlich wahr oder einfach nur ein scherz? war auf jeden fall interessant... und gruselig o.O
Was? Nicht dein Ernst oder? Da schreibt jemand seinen Leidensweg nieder, berichtet von der geisterhaften Begegnung mit einem Toten, der anscheinend Spaß an Psychoterror hat und du fragst, ob das ein Scherz ist?! Nur Spaß. Ja das ist eine Geschichte die sich jemand ausgedacht hat und die Szenen dann mit Hacks nachgespielt hat (; Ziemlich gut gemacht, find ich =D
Boah, da bin ich erleichtert. Ne wirklich, ich hatte bis heute gedacht, das wär echt gewesen. Das is aber so RICHTIG gut hinbekommen.
Anzahl der Beiträge : 15 Anmeldedatum : 06.06.12 Alter : 28 Ort : Angermünde Brawl Main : Ike der Overused'te xD
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Do Jun 07, 2012 11:47 pm
Oh die Creepy Pasta gibts hier auch zu finden? Ja die Geschichte hat sich einer ausgedacht und hat dann auch noch so eine so riesige Community zusammenbekommen, Die Geschichte ist nicht wirklich gruselig, aber das drumherum und die Eigeninterpretation können schon das Ganze spannend gestalten:3
Ich würde hier auch noch mal die Band 423 Ohm vorstellen wollen, diese haben einige Songs zur Geschichte passend umgestaltet, verdammt gut und trotzdem kennen nur wenige sie;_; Das 423 hat übrigens auch was mit der Geschichte zu tun, wer die Videos dazu aufmerksam geguckt hat weiß vielleicht sogar was;D
"Hey I'm Ben (Shadow of my Chair Mix)"-423 OHM
Anzahl der Beiträge : 57 Anmeldedatum : 25.11.11 Ort : Deeper... Brawl Main : Mario
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Sa Jul 07, 2012 12:57 pm
Eine von vielen Copy-Pastas, jedoch ist das eine der ausgefalleneren. Ein paar weitere nette Creepy-Pastas wären da: -Das Lavander Town Theme (gibt noch ne Menge weitere Pokémon-relatierte Creepy-Pastas) -Suicidemouse.avi -smile.jpg -Youtube Channel 666
Sind alle eig. recht bekannt, dennoch für den kleinen Grusel perfekt gemacht :3
Anzahl der Beiträge : 74 Anmeldedatum : 04.06.12 Alter : 33 Ort : Hessen, Schwalmstadt
Thema: Re: The Haunted Cartridge Sa Jul 07, 2012 1:50 pm
Für den größeren Grusel könnte man sich die LSD Emulator Creepypasta anschauen.